Wednesday, October 15, 2008

2 months old!

Claire turned 2 months old on Monday. I can't believe she's already 2 months, it has absolutely flown by!! Da munchkin continues to grow, and the doctor said that she looks great, and that she's "amazingly visually alert" because she was looking all around and was very attentive during her checkup. I think he was also impressed by her lungs, since she also exercised them through a good part of the exam. Good to know that she doesn't just save the screaming for mommy. She had to get her 2month vaccinations today, which she really didn't love, but she seems to be doing pretty well so far, she came home and ate a bottle, and is now playing on her Baby Einstien, which is pretty standard behavior, so I'm glad that she doesn't seem to be feeling too bad from all the shots. Here's a little comparison of how she's grown:

Weight-- 5lb 14oz
Length-- 19"
Head Circumference-- not really sure, but I think it was about 14.5" or so?

2 months:
Weight-- 9lb 4oz (10th percentile)
Length-- 22" (50th percentile)
Head Circumference-- 15.25"

So she's gained 3lb 6oz and has grown 3". She's still a petite little pixie of a baby, but she's growing right on schedule, and has pretty much maintained the 10th percentile for her weight for the last 2 months.

We've been busy this week with figuring out what's going to happen with baby once I go back to work. I go back to work on October 27th, I think that work is looking forward to my return more than I am, because I hate to have to leave her, but with the economy the way it is right now, I'm thankful that I have a good job to go back to, and that after 2 months of being gone, they all finally realize how valuable I am :). Once I go back, Claire will be in Nana-care on Mondays and Tuesdays, Ivy Hall Day School on Wednesdays and Thursdays, and Mommy-care on Fridays. That's right, my mom has decided that she'll come down from Chattanooga two days a week to take care of Claire, which is awesome for Aaron and I, and Claire will absolutely love it! We're also very excited that I'm going to be able to stay home with her on Fridays, mainly because I still have some vacation days to use up at work! She'll also get the chance to socialize with other babies and learn to get used to people other than Aaron and I at the daycare, which is a pretty awesome daycare, they do baby sign language in the infant class, and then once they're two, they start music and science and art classes, it's very cute.

That's about all that's going on around here, some of her new pictures are below...
New fall dress Nana made

There's that visual alertness the doctor was talking about!

Channeling the Murrin spirit with the popped collar

little baby spit-face puke-mouth (her new nickname)