Saturday, September 6, 2008

Claire's life

Claire is 3 1/2 weeks old now, I can hardly believe it! We've been on our own now without Nana's help for a full week, and we're surviving, although the first day was a little rough. We've gotten out of the house just about every day this week, which is good and bad... good that we're getting out and having fun, bad that I'm spending the child's college fund on clothes, since we go shopping most days. But we also went to Aaron's softball game, and out to lunch with Aaron one day and then Kate another day, so we're having lots of fun! On Thursday we had a nice long afternoon of shopping, and Claire got new clothes from Kohls, Gap, Old Navy, Macy's, and Babies R Us. We're building the fall wardrobe... See below for a fashion show!

We've finally slowed down on the different doctor's appointments, so we're not going to different doctors every 3 days, which is nice. Claire is continuing to gain weight, but is still in the 10th percentile according to the baby growth charts. But she's maintaining, so we're not worried. She's a good eater, although her new "favorite" thing to do is spit up all over her mommy. Several times a day. She's a good baby, very happy except when she has gas, then she gets a little cranky until she can rip a fart or two. It's really quite charming, especially to hear man-farts come from a tiny baby girl. Makes her daddy and I laugh, clearly we're not past the age where farts are funny!

Not much else going on, I'll try posting more often, so Nana can get her baby fix!
Baby Fashion Show!

In the Georgia outfit I made for her

In the dress Nana made her

In her sailboat dress from Aunt Joanie

Rockin the popped collar in her Polo outfit

New jammies!

In her H&M dress from Aunt Leslie

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