Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mother's Day

This Sunday was my first Mother's Day with a real child, not just a 4-legged baby. We had a good day, and Claire was feeling a bit better, so that was good. We went out for breakfast Sunday morning, and then wandered around Target for a little while, looking at new carseats for Miss Priss. I think this is the one we're going to get, it's Mocha Mint, so brown and light green:
It will last until she's like 65lbs, or at the rate she's growing right now, about 12 years. We didn't actually buy a carseat on Sunday, but we did get Claire a baby pool, which I blew up while Claire laughed at me. Ok well, have to amuse however I can. I tried to get Claire to test out her baby pool on Sunday, but the water was a little cool, so she got a little pissed off. She did a little bit of tanning instead.
Then for dinner we took my mom out to eat Japanese. It was super yummy! Claire didn't seem too freaked out by the fire, but it definitely caught her attention. My dad stopped by on his way home from Colleen's house, so we got to see him too. It was a great Mother's day, and I did get to spend the day doing the most important thing.... mothering my still semi-sick baby. Oh, and on top of everything else, I got the Photoshop program for my computer, so I can play with my pictures!

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