Merry Christmas to all of our friends and family! Love to you all!
We all had a great Christmas this year, fun Christmas Eve with Aaron's side of the family, and then a nice Christmas day with my family. Claire had a great time opening presents, but might have been a bit overwhelmed by all of her new toys. She's having a great time playing with all of them, though! She got a bunch of toys, some very cute clothes, lots of fun videos, and some good books.
My birthday was yesterday, and was also a lot of fun. I spent a bit of time shopping with my mom and Colleen, then we sat around and watched The Office for a while, and then had Japanese for my birthday dinner. We finished off the day by going to Target and stocking up on marked-down Christmas decorations for next year! I like to think that this proves that with age comes maturity, because my absolute LEAST favorite thing to do when I was growing up was to shop for marked-down Christmas decorations on my birthday. Yay me!
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
Then and Now...
Last year, sweet little baby...

This year, crazy hobo...
To briefly catch up on the last 3 months... Claire is 15 months now. She crawls all over the place, and is finally starting to take a step, but only between the couch and the coffee table. She has a great vocabulary, except the words that she's learned from her father... and some of those are unrepeatable. We're working on manners right now, and she's getting pretty good at please (or "pease" as she says it) and we get a "thank you" every now and then.
We took our second family trip to the beach for Thanksgiving, and Claire loved it. She got to see dolphins, go to a petting zoo, and feed the quack quacks. The beginning of the vacation was a little rough, with her fighting strep throat, but she's over it now, and is back to her typical happy self.

Claire's 15 month appointment went well, she was almost 20lbs, and by now, probably is over 20lbs, finally! She had gotten both versions of the flu shots, so we're hoping she stays healthy for the rest of cold and flu season! Her pediatrician is guessing she'll be walking by the next time she comes in, at 18months. Good lord, I hope so! Her chubby butt is starting to get heavy to carry around.
And one last gratuitous picture, of Claire in her new Christmas skirt!
This year, crazy hobo...
To briefly catch up on the last 3 months... Claire is 15 months now. She crawls all over the place, and is finally starting to take a step, but only between the couch and the coffee table. She has a great vocabulary, except the words that she's learned from her father... and some of those are unrepeatable. We're working on manners right now, and she's getting pretty good at please (or "pease" as she says it) and we get a "thank you" every now and then.
We took our second family trip to the beach for Thanksgiving, and Claire loved it. She got to see dolphins, go to a petting zoo, and feed the quack quacks. The beginning of the vacation was a little rough, with her fighting strep throat, but she's over it now, and is back to her typical happy self.
Claire's 15 month appointment went well, she was almost 20lbs, and by now, probably is over 20lbs, finally! She had gotten both versions of the flu shots, so we're hoping she stays healthy for the rest of cold and flu season! Her pediatrician is guessing she'll be walking by the next time she comes in, at 18months. Good lord, I hope so! Her chubby butt is starting to get heavy to carry around.
And one last gratuitous picture, of Claire in her new Christmas skirt!
Friday, September 4, 2009
Claire is ONE!!
Okay, well, Claire turned 1 two weeks ago, but I just haven't updated. Her one year checkup was great, she is up to 17lb 9oz (10th percentile, whoo hoo!). Her doctor was thrilled with her weight gain. She started army crawling a few weeks ago, and today actually did two steps (?) of hands-and-knees crawling. We expect her to be a pretty late walker, but that's okay by me! At least she's still light enough to carry everywhere! She has started climbing all over everything.
We didn't really do a "party" for her birthday, just her grandparents, aunts, and great grandma. She LOVED her cake, and tore into it, after mommy helped her get started. A bath was definitely in order when she was done. She got cute clothes, some fun toys, tons of books, and a few dvd's of her favorite shows.
What else....
-Aaron and I had our 3rd anniversary on August 17th, and went to Longhorn for dinner. Claire loves their mashed potatoes as much as I do!!
-Aaron had ACL surgery 2 weeks ago, and is recovering. It was pretty rough for the first few days, and it's a good thing that we sent Claire up to Nana and Grandpa's, because I would have gone out of my mind trying to take care of both of my babies.
-Claire is "talking" a lot more lately, and actually does have quite a few real words... mama, dada, nana, duck, quack, bye bye, doggie (although it sounds like o-dee), cracker, and a few others that I can't remember right now.
-Football season starts tomorrow! Aaron, as always, is super excited. I'm excited, but not anywhere near the level he's at. But Claire will get to wear her Georgia dress to our friends house to watch the game.
-Claire has her 3rd tooth, up on top, and it is HUGE!! It looks like she skipped the baby tooth, and just went straight to the adult tooth! I think she's in the process of getting her other top front tooth, so hopefully once that is in, the other one won't look so big.
In my "big" news, I am now 1 year into my remission. Not everyone knows this, because I didn't share the store with many people, but when I had my c-section and had Claire, my doctor discovered that hiding behind the cyst that I knew I had was an ovarian tumor. It was removed (the whole ovary) and when the pathology was run on it, the doctor discovered that it was in fact a malignant (cancerous) tumor. I've been seeing an oncologist every three months, and have always been considered a "no evidence of disease" patient. Basically, when they removed the tumor, they basically removed all chance that it would come back. But I have to go to the oncologist for 5 years before it's considered "cured". I actually go back to the doctor on Tuesday for my official 1 year checkup, but expect everything to remain totally normal. According to the doctor, 1 year is a big deal. So yay me.
Now, here are some pictures!

In her pink tutu
Hee hee, here's my butt!
UGA tutu
In her Georgia dress
Her giraffe cake (she loves her giraffe lovey)

We didn't really do a "party" for her birthday, just her grandparents, aunts, and great grandma. She LOVED her cake, and tore into it, after mommy helped her get started. A bath was definitely in order when she was done. She got cute clothes, some fun toys, tons of books, and a few dvd's of her favorite shows.
What else....
-Aaron and I had our 3rd anniversary on August 17th, and went to Longhorn for dinner. Claire loves their mashed potatoes as much as I do!!
-Aaron had ACL surgery 2 weeks ago, and is recovering. It was pretty rough for the first few days, and it's a good thing that we sent Claire up to Nana and Grandpa's, because I would have gone out of my mind trying to take care of both of my babies.
-Claire is "talking" a lot more lately, and actually does have quite a few real words... mama, dada, nana, duck, quack, bye bye, doggie (although it sounds like o-dee), cracker, and a few others that I can't remember right now.
-Football season starts tomorrow! Aaron, as always, is super excited. I'm excited, but not anywhere near the level he's at. But Claire will get to wear her Georgia dress to our friends house to watch the game.
-Claire has her 3rd tooth, up on top, and it is HUGE!! It looks like she skipped the baby tooth, and just went straight to the adult tooth! I think she's in the process of getting her other top front tooth, so hopefully once that is in, the other one won't look so big.
In my "big" news, I am now 1 year into my remission. Not everyone knows this, because I didn't share the store with many people, but when I had my c-section and had Claire, my doctor discovered that hiding behind the cyst that I knew I had was an ovarian tumor. It was removed (the whole ovary) and when the pathology was run on it, the doctor discovered that it was in fact a malignant (cancerous) tumor. I've been seeing an oncologist every three months, and have always been considered a "no evidence of disease" patient. Basically, when they removed the tumor, they basically removed all chance that it would come back. But I have to go to the oncologist for 5 years before it's considered "cured". I actually go back to the doctor on Tuesday for my official 1 year checkup, but expect everything to remain totally normal. According to the doctor, 1 year is a big deal. So yay me.
Now, here are some pictures!
Official 1 year old picture

In her pink tutu

Hee hee, here's my butt!

UGA tutu

In her Georgia dress

Tuesday, July 7, 2009
First Beach Trip
Every year our extended family on Aaron's side takes a trip to Grayton Beach in Florida. It's our favorite place to visit, and Claire was actually named after the beach. And no, she was not conceived there, since that's what everyone assumes. This year's trip was probably our best ever, because it was Claire's first trip to a beach! She wasn't too sure about the sand on the first day, but warmed up to it after a few minutes. It's tasty!!
We spent lots of time playing on the beach, hanging out with the family, going to the Red Bar, and shopping, which Claire did not love as much as Mommy did. But she got a ton of cute clothes, so she should be happy! The girl loves her clothes! I got lots of new clothes too :) Gotta spoil yourself every once in a while!!
On the 4th of July, Michelle and I did an impromptu photo shoot on the beach with Jenni the photog, and got a bunch of cute pictures! Jenni bought the girls adorable matching dresses at Strasburg that were perfect for some beachy pics. And I had some fun playing with them on my photoshop!

After the photo shoot (at 7am, the only time you didn't want to die from the heat), we went and watched the Grayton 4th of July parade. Claire watched from Daddy's shoulders, but wasn't too into the parade.
We watched the 4th of July fireworks on the beach, which is really pretty awesome in Grayton. The town in about halfway between Panama City and Destin, so you can see the fireworks from both of them, as well as the ones that are shot from a barge out in the gulf. And there were lots of people shooting fireworks on Grayton's beach too. So there were fireworks everywhere you could see! Claire did pretty well, especially since the last fireworks that we saw scared the crap out of her.
On the 4th of July, Michelle and I did an impromptu photo shoot on the beach with Jenni the photog, and got a bunch of cute pictures! Jenni bought the girls adorable matching dresses at Strasburg that were perfect for some beachy pics. And I had some fun playing with them on my photoshop!

4th of July pics
going to dinner
going to dinner
New Milestones!
No pictures to prove that either of these are true, but Claire has finally gotten her first tooth, and has started crawling! The tooth has been a long time in the making, I've been able to see it under her gums for almost a month, but it finally broke it's jagged little edge through on June 30th. It's very adorable, even though you can't see much of it yet. She has also started some army-crawling, and can scoot around pretty well that way. She's trying to get up on her hands and knees to do some "real" crawling, but for now, army-style works for her! Hopefully some pictures of both new "tricks" to come soon!!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
10 months?!?!?!
How did that happen?? Claire turned 10 months old on Saturday. I swear, she's getting so big so fast! She's up to 15lb 12oz, which means she put on half a pound in the last month, which is more than she put on between 7-9 months, so she's doing great. And no wonder, the kid eats like a pig! She still isn't crawling, although I can tell that it's not far away, but she's mastered a little roll/scoot that gets her where she needs to go. I told her she can start crawling once we get back from vacation, but it'll be easier to keep track of her while we're on vacation if she's not crawling yet. And then on to walking!
And speaking of vacation.... we're getting very excited for our first real family vacation! We leave in 12 days for Grayton Beach, and cannot wait! I've already started packing. There is an unbelievable amount of baby stuff that we need for a week out of town! Some of it will probably be a little excessive, but I guess that's something I'll learn for next time! We're sharing a house with Aaron's cousin Michelle, her husband Gary, and their little girl Ella, who Claire is crazy about. (She's very into "big kids") Michelle and I are having a good time planning, and working on our base tans before we go! Only 8 more days of work until we leave...
Of course, I have to include Claire pics, to keep the fans happy. So here you go!
And speaking of vacation.... we're getting very excited for our first real family vacation! We leave in 12 days for Grayton Beach, and cannot wait! I've already started packing. There is an unbelievable amount of baby stuff that we need for a week out of town! Some of it will probably be a little excessive, but I guess that's something I'll learn for next time! We're sharing a house with Aaron's cousin Michelle, her husband Gary, and their little girl Ella, who Claire is crazy about. (She's very into "big kids") Michelle and I are having a good time planning, and working on our base tans before we go! Only 8 more days of work until we leave...
Of course, I have to include Claire pics, to keep the fans happy. So here you go!
Chilling in Nana's bed
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Pool Time!
We took Claire up to the pool for the first time yesterday, and of course forgot the camera. She absolutely loved it, after she got used to the fact that it was MUCH colder than her bath. She spent lots of time kicking and splashing, getting dunked, and then playing in her pack 'n play while Aaron and I laid out. We went back to the pool today, and remembered the camera. Unfortunately, she didn't have as good a time today as she did yesterday, as she was teething and a little cranky in general. So we didn't get the great pictures that we would have yesterday, but had to document her first pool weekend! We also took some pictures over Memorial Day weekend when she was playing outside. Claire is definitely an "outdoor" kind of girl!

Monday, May 18, 2009
9 month stat update
Claire's 9 month appointment went pretty well last week. She didn't gain very much, but the doctor said it's "not anything to get excited about just yet". She did drop from the 25th percentile for weight to the 3rd percentile, but honestly, the 25th percentile at the last visit was a bit of a surprise, since she's always been small.
Right now Claire is playing with her G-Daddy, who is an absolute sucker for her, and will pick up her toys no matter how many times she throws them. It's quite the game. Claire is cracking up, it's very cute!
Here are her new stats!
Right now Claire is playing with her G-Daddy, who is an absolute sucker for her, and will pick up her toys no matter how many times she throws them. It's quite the game. Claire is cracking up, it's very cute!
Here are her new stats!
Birth: 5lb 14oz
2 months: 9lb 4oz
4 months: 11lb 9oz
5 months: 13lb 14oz
6 months: 14lb 3oz
7 months: 14lb 14oz
9 months: 15lb even at the doctor, but 15lb 4oz at Childrens a week before, so we go with the 15.4.
7 months: 14lb 14oz
9 months: 15lb even at the doctor, but 15lb 4oz at Childrens a week before, so we go with the 15.4.
Birth: 19"
2 months: 22"
4 months: 24.5"
4 months: 24.5"
6 months: 26.5"
9 months: 27"
9 months: 27"
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
9 months old!
Today is Claire's 9 month birthday! Once again, I can't believe how fast the time is going! She's got her 9-month checkup on Friday, so we'll see if she's gained any more weight in the last week, and will see how long she's gotten. She hasn't shown any interest in crawling yet, as she'd prefer to be carried everywhere. She doesn't really have much interest in sitting either, although she actually can do that, she's just a stubborn little punk and doesn't want to! She likes playing in her jumperoo, and loves to be read to. And eat the book. Claire's newest "achievement" is eating table food. So far, she has tried lasagna, mac and cheese, chicken, and macaroni with sauce, and loves all of them!
Claire would like to wish her boyfriend Charlie a very happy 1st birthday tomorrow, and can't wait to see him this weekend! She hopes to have a new tooth to show him!
Claire would like to wish her boyfriend Charlie a very happy 1st birthday tomorrow, and can't wait to see him this weekend! She hopes to have a new tooth to show him!

Mother's Day
This Sunday was my first Mother's Day with a real child, not just a 4-legged baby. We had a good day, and Claire was feeling a bit better, so that was good. We went out for breakfast Sunday morning, and then wandered around Target for a little while, looking at new carseats for Miss Priss. I think this is the one we're going to get, it's Mocha Mint, so brown and light green:
It will last until she's like 65lbs, or at the rate she's growing right now, about 12 years. We didn't actually buy a carseat on Sunday, but we did get Claire a baby pool, which I blew up while Claire laughed at me. Ok well, have to amuse however I can. I tried to get Claire to test out her baby pool on Sunday, but the water was a little cool, so she got a little pissed off. She did a little bit of tanning instead.
Then for dinner we took my mom out to eat Japanese. It was super yummy! Claire didn't seem too freaked out by the fire, but it definitely caught her attention. My dad stopped by on his way home from Colleen's house, so we got to see him too. It was a great Mother's day, and I did get to spend the day doing the most important thing.... mothering my still semi-sick baby. Oh, and on top of everything else, I got the Photoshop program for my computer, so I can play with my pictures!

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